201-741-8292 info@ledmenulight.com

LED Menu Light is exhibiting at the 23rd Americas Food & Beverage Show in Miami Beach Convention Center – Visit us at Booth #564


Visit us at Booth #564 at 23rd Americas Food & Beverage Show, Miami Beach Convention Center September 23-24, 2019We look forward to meeting you and showing you all of the LED Menus and LED products for fine dining establishments.


Visit us at Booth #564 at 23rd Americas Food & Beverage Show, Miami Beach Convention Center September 23-24, 2019


Your host – Marvin Barenbaum

Driving & Parking Instructions to the Miami Beach Convention Center


To assist and facilitate to you in finding the driving and parking instructions at the Miami beach Convention Center, simply click on the following link to find information; http://www.miamibeachconvention.com/en/directions-parking

LED Menu Light


LED Menu Light manufactures and sells LED illuminated Menu Covers, Boards, and Check Presenters
All our LED menus are made with soft white LED light for easy reading, just like the Kindle and E-Readers. This is perfect for customers who have a hard time reading tiny types on menus in dimly lit restaurants.

WEBSITE:  https://ledmenulight.com

Contact: Marvin Barenbaum, 201-741-8292